Feature :
- Real android 5.1.1
- Smooth
- Best sound art with AudioFX
- Themeable ROM
- New Kernel Source
- Heads up notification
How About Bug :
-Kernel Unavailable
-USB Storage
- Less amount of free ram ( If you install G Apps )
- Installation stored in internal
Link : Cynogen Mod 12.1
For G-Apps : You can search in the Google search engine right ? use 5.1.1, not 5.0 !
Special Thanks & Credit for :
Isal Alexi SyndicateSyndrom ( For source kernel, builder, developer, and anything Greater )
Bang Bagger
And Thanks For all Contributors :
Muhammad Restu Raharja
M Vaan
Muhammad Irvan
Pak Opick
Miftah Confuse
All members of Official Advan Vandroid S4A
All members of Advan S5E Pro Kitkat
All members of Monster Team Android MTK 6572 4.4.2
And Anyone who Help Me until now....
NB : Fix invalid imei using chamelephon.
12 komentar
komentarmas cara fix bugnya gmna ?
Replyduhh saya kurang tau fix rom ini , soalnya ini rom dari bang isal , dia yang build kernel agar bisa masuk ke device yang di re-port oleh Farid Wyt Han , jadi untuk fix bug tunggu bang isal update lagi
ReplyHow to port this to other device MT6572 4.4.2?
Replyshould you permission to developers Here
Replylater I will help you
whats version of kernel?
Replymas, ada link yg buat s4a gk?
Replycan anyone port this to MT6572 Devices...
Replyor just help me to port this?
DEVELOPER. can i have the permission to port this rom.
i'll credits you for your work.
Gan, udah ad bahan buat fix bugnya belom?? Custom yg INI keren abis tp sayang bugnya bnyak... trus buka play store juga gak bisa gan..
ReplyEror mas.
ReplyEror mas.
ReplyBuat Advan S5H bisa ga gan ?
ReplyMaaf Apabila Admin Lama Membalas